Saturday, August 20, 2011

KARA attends press conference as the face of ‘Honcho’ drink + Full CM

The girls of KARA have been chosen as the faces for the Japanese campaign of a popular Korean vinegar drink called ‘Honcho‘. On August 19th, they appeared at an event to reveal details about their new commercial.

KARA, who are said to be fans of this drink, will portray the concept of ‘Beautiful Body Show‘, in which they emphasize their killer figure. Together they say, “Drink ‘Honcho’ and have a nice body. Everybody, let’s become pretty together!”

The new commercial, titled “Beautiful Body“, will have the KARA members moving in such a way that they show off their beautiful body lines. While they’re known for being quite cute, KARA will be showing off a mature sexiness that they’ve yet to show their fans.

During the event, they also introduced fun tips of enjoying their drink in different ways. One recipe recommended adding the ‘Honcho’ drink to soda. Goo Hara commented, “It’s perfect for summer. It’s good for when it’s hot as well as for dieting.”

source: tokyohive


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